The World Ozone Day and COPA
The latest update from the Scientific Assessment Panel to the Montreal Protocol confirmed that ozone layer recovery is on track and ozone levels are expected to return to 1980 levels by around 2066 over the Antarctic. Furthermore, 99 % of chemicals that deplete the ozone layer have already been phased out.
Nevertheless, some hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) that are still being released to the atmosphere are 1000s of times more warming than CO2 and therefore, contribute extensively to climate change. While nearly 80 % of all HFCs globally are used for cooling and the demand for cooling and air conditioning units is rising sharply in the Global South, COPA aims on shifting to Green Cooling and sustainable refrigerant management. Therefore, COPA promotes natural refrigerants and foam blowing agent with no ozone depletion and very low global warming potential. Additionally, the Alliance aims to increase the energy efficiency of cooling products and improve installation, maintenance and decommissioning to minimize leakages.
As a result, COPA is delighted to celebrate the achievements of the Montreal Protocol and its Kigali Amendment but highlights that further work must be done to finally establish a sustainable management of ozone depleting substances and HFCs.