Technology Solutions


Climate-damaging emissions from ODS and HFC banks can be reduced through sustainable refrigerant management. This starts with the proper maintenance of cooling appliances in the first place to avoid leakages during operation. Refrigerants contained in end-of-life cooling appliances need to be properly recovered. Then they can either be reclaimed or destroyed, both practices require skilled workforce and special machinery.

In the framework of the Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance, UNIDO and GIZ launched a Thematic Working Group (TWG) on ODS and HFC recovery, reclamation and destruction technologies, with the purpose of bringing together experts to:

  • Promote the dialogue on the required infrastructure and technologies for ODS and HFC recovery, reclamation, and destruction;
  • Give guidance on technologies and solutions that comply with the vision of COPA and can be promoted under COPA;
  • Strengthen capacity in partner governments and building expertise in sectoral ministries;
  • Reinforce government ownership and buy-in;
  • Foster engagement by stakeholders;
  • Ensure linkages of ODS and HFC Banks Management with national long-term development strategies.


The main priorities and activities were identified in the first TWG meeting, where three priorities were defined:

1)    Mapping an inventory to create a global repository of available relevant technologies for ODS and HFC recovery, reclamation and destruction;

2)    Identifying challenges in technology adoption;

3)    Creating a roadmap for successful adoption with case studies in business models for implementing the technologies



The Thematic Working Group Policy Framework brings together interested COPA Members to jointly work on identifying and developing policy interventions suitable for GHG mitigation measures.

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