About Us

The Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance (COPA) aims to drive the holistic solutions needed to reduce ODS and HFC banks, and ultimately complete the shift in the cooling sector to sustainable refrigerant management. COPA was launched in 2021, initiated by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

“The Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance (COPA) represents a significant step in facing the critical challenge of managing the end-of-life ODS and HFCs and offers a framework for concrete and coordinated action by a broad range of stakeholders.”

Ajiniyaz Reimov, Programme Specialist at UNDP’s Montreal Protocol and Chemicals & Waste Management Unit


Our Services

Action Support

  • Brings together and networks all relevant actors – from both private and public sectors.
  • Raises awareness on the topic of ODS and HFC banks through global dialogue and exchange.
  • Prepares market studies and concepts for the pilot implementation of mitigation measures in diverse regions.
  • Shares technical know-how and findings to promote mutual learning and progress in sustainable refrigerant management.
  • Helps drive governmental policies and regulations for an effective management of ODS and HFC banks.
  • Provides the responsible parties – both private and public – with tailored guidelines, tools, and mitigation solutions to reduce emissions from ODS and HFC banks.
  • Gives partners access to the funding and support needed to enact mitigation measures, whether reuse, reclamation, or destruction mechanisms.

The Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance brings together partner countries and members across private and public sectors to advance the holistic solutions needed to sustainably manage and reduce ODS and HFC banks. 


COPA Member Services for...

The different types of services COPA provides to various stakeholders:

  • Access to technical and financial support for building up regulatory framework and refrigerant management infrastructure 
  • Access to knowledge and mutual learning 
  • International positioning
  • International positioning and setting the scene for best practices
  • Access to knowledge and mutual learning 
  • Exchange with other countries on best practices
  • Coordinated diverse team of experts supporting project development and channel (inter)national financing
  • Implementation of cost-efficient GHG mitigation measures
  • Platform for exposure on sustainable refrigerant management
  • Networking
  • Support project developments and enable business opportunities
  • Access to technical know-how and financial support
  • Support in setting up EPR schemes
  • Platform for exchange with both private and public actors on sustainable refrigerant management
  • Access to data & resources
  • Network with and access to relevant actors from the private and public sector
  • Amplified reach and enhanced impact

Who can join?



ODA- as well as non-ODA countries willing to commit to reducing emissions from ODS and HFC banks

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Public Entities

Federal ministries, states and communities and subordinate authorities, as well as implementing organisations of official development cooperations.

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Private Sector

Businesses and consultants in refrigerant production, cooling equipment manufacturing and the recovery, reclamation and destruction facilities for ODS and HFCs banks

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Civil Society

Civil society has a crucial role to play by mobilizing and accelerating change in ODS and HFC banks management

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Representatives from academia and educational fields working on the impact of and research for solutions for ODS and HFC banks

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Financing Institutions

International, regional and national development banks, and interested financing institutions contributing to substantial and cost-efficient GHG mitigation

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