COPA on study trip to Germany and Belgium
Strengthening and expanding the network, deepening the knowledge, and getting some practical insights – that’s what the COPA study trip in November was about. COPA members from over 11 countries ranging from National Ozone Office personnel to private companies, academic researchers to financial advisors followed the invitation to Germany and Brussels to learn and jointly advance the holistic solutions needed to sustainably manage and reduce ODS and HFC banks.
The interactive and varied Agenda gave COPA members plenty of opportunity for networking, exchanging knowledge on ODS/HFC banks management and provided access and contacts to technology suppliers and policy makers. The participants visited production and recycling facilities of cooling appliances and discussed the EU F-Gas regulations and policy options with experts from DG Climate from the European Commission, the Environmental Investigation Agency and ATMOsphere. A participant Idris Abdullahi, Deputy Director/ NOO, Nigeria, thanked the COPA Secretariat for a well organised study tour: “I found it very useful for my work, especially as we prepare for HFC phase down under the Kigali Amendment. The knowledge and experience gained will be a foundation to build on in my future work related to the study tour. “
Click here to view the study trip report.