First Meeting of Women in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning in Mexico
On 15 and 16 October 2024, the first workshop for women in the Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pump (RACHP) sector was held in Mérida, Mexico. The workshop aimed to provide a space to promote the participation of women in the RACHP sector by developing role models of women leaders in the sector and encouraging the participants to promote the participation of other women.
The meeting was attended by more than 30 women from 15 Mexican states, including experts in installation, teachers and directors of universities and technological schools. Throughout two intense days of work, the workshop made it possible to identify gender conditions in the RACHP sector, to learn about the timeline of the gender struggle at the global level, in Mexico and in the sector. GIZ Mexico shared its experience in promoting the gender perspective in commonly masculinised sectors. Some of the instruments that have helped to promote greater participation of women in these sectors are: mentoring programmes, support networks or communities, implementation of inclusion policies, as well as training and skills development.
Copyright: Oficina Nacional de Ozono de México / National Ozone Unit of Mexico
The workshop concluded with a commitment by the participants to form a network of women in the RACHP sector in Mexico, with the purpose of generating a platform to share experiences, support each other and foster collective growth. The workshop was organised by the Mexican National Ozone Office-UNIDO, in coordination with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) and the assistance of the GIZ through the Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance (COPA) and Hydrofluorocarbons Phase Out Management Plan (HPMP) projects.