Kick-off meeting COPA in Ghana
The workshop started with a welcome to the participants by Frank Acheampong from GIZ. This was followed with a welcome address by Mr Emmanuel Quansah from EPA, who elaborated the importance of the COPA project to Ghana and expressed his gratitude to GIZ and stated their support and how they are looking forward to a successful project.
Stakeholder from various institutions in Ghana had come together to attend the workshop, with various expectations as to its output:
• To know the sustainability of the COPA project
• To understand the COPA project
• To see clear roadmap and defined responsibilities for partners.
• To collaborate with other institutions
• To network with people
• To learn
To fulfill these expectations, first the COPA project as well as the eWaste project, with which COPA closely cooperates, were introduced by the respective GIZ employees.
After a presentation of the potential scenarios for the recycling of cooling appliances, the participants of the workshop took part in a method called “world café”, where each of the three scenarios were discussed by the group. The valuable input collected in that way will help the project going forward.