Online Event
More than 15 participants from eleven different countries joined the online meeting, including representatives from government institutions, international andcivil society organisations, private sector and other institutions engaged in ODS and HFC banks management. The meeting was moderated by Bettina Schreck from UNIDO.
Irene Papst and Manuel Prieto García, HEAT, presented the preliminary results of the review of ODS/HFC reclamation and destruction technologies for Article 5 countries. They identified types of technologies, assessed their suitability for Article 5 countries, analysed challenges and enhancing framework conditions, as well as gaps and needs for further research. The report will be finalizedwith support of the TWG membersand published soon.
The presentation was followed by a fruitful discussion, where TWG members raised comments and questions about issues concerning the recycling, transport, reclamation and destruction of refrigerants and foams. Experienced partners from the private sector offered their support in the collection, transportation, or the reclamation of refrigerants. Country representatives highlighted the pros and cons of different destruction technologies and described their experiences in the process of setting up a reclamation centre.
One of the topics that emerged as most relevant for TWG members is the environmentally sound destruction of ODS/HFCs in cement kilns. Cement kilns have been identified as most promising technology for ODS/HFC destruction in Article 5 countries in the review of technologies. Therefore, this topic will be the focus of a new workstream of this working groups.
All stakeholders who are interested in joining our work are invited to become COPA members and join the TWG on technology solutions.
Copyright Foto: ©GIZ/Frank Acheampong