About the TWG for Policy Framework

The purpose of the TWG Policy is to bring together interested COPA Members, supported by invited external experts and consultants, to jointly work on identifying and developing policy interventions suitable for GHG mitigation measures in the ODS and HFC banks sector. The working group defines its own specific goals, its work plan, and implements activities together. Meetings take place on a regular basis. Results from the TWG are reported and presented on demand, including annually to the COPA Plenary.


• Policy framework for different country baselines and policy alignment

o How can we ensure that policies are effectively aligned with regulations? How
can we drive policies, strategies, and mitigation towards HFCs and ODS phaseout and sustainable management of ODS and HFC banks?
o Experience of successful policy frameworks for addressing ODS and HFC banks

• ODS disposal plan for India (customs receive ODS for disposal but don’t have suitable

• Leakage reduction (e.g. in supermarket refrigeration)

• How can we avoid reclaimed refrigerant going back into leaky equipment or displacing

• EPR regulations
• Centralized data records
• Export/import regulations and transboundary movement (Basel convention)
• Carbon markets
• Business models
• Integration of the ODS and HFC banks sector into NDCs


Overview of the Work in 2023

In 2023 four meetings took place:

1. An online expert talk was organized by the TWG Policy to exchange with a representative from Australia or Japan or Europe (for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment), or Canada to share and discuss their experiences with EPR. A two-pager on EPR in different countries will be prepared and shared in advance to the expert talk

2. As a follow-up, similar expert talks might follow with other country experiences to deepen the knowledge exchange and highlight different aspects such as timing, effectiveness, etc.

3. In addition, a virtual workshop on EPR and the link to import / export regulations was organized as a deep dive for TWG Policy members who actively want to move forward here.

4. Carbon markets, as well as including the ODS and HFC banks sector in NDCs and potentially generating ITMOs was worked upon. The work also provided inputs for the side event hosted by COPA at COP28.

We are looking forward to addressing more interesting topics in 2024.



The working group is coordinated by A-Gas and GIZ.

Ellen Michel, GIZ

Eric Ripley, A-Gas

Ken Logan, A-Gas


Alliance members across private and public sectors come together in thematic working groups (TWG) to jointly work on holistic solutions needed to reduce ODS and HFC banks. Find out more about our TWG:

Policy Framework

For an effective management of refrigerants and foams at end-of-life, suitable policy measures are required like venting bans or mandatory recovery.

Learn More

Technology Solutions

Working towards the best technical solutions for ODS and HFC recovery,
reclamation and destruction.


Financing Mechanism

Developing financial mechanisms for sustainable GHG mitigation measures in ODS and HFC banks.


Implementation Models

Putting theory into practice and demonstrating how sustainable refrigerant management can be implemented.